Lyrics Bunkface- Through my window
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Don’t want much, I just want everything
Thought that I could, do almost anything
One step in front of the other
Thought that I could do it alone
In the blink of an eye, it’s just another day
Telling me why, I’ll find another way
Got this feeling, got me reeling
I can almost start believing
Now there’s me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there’s
More than you and more than me
Me and you
And we are not alone
Different view
We are together now
Through my window, I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
I see a spark, it starts a fire
Get lyrics at http://liriksemualagu.blogspot.comIs this the one worth waiting for?
Thought that I could do it without you
Can’t exist like this anymore
Now there’s me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there’s
More than you and more than me
Now there’s me and you, you and me
We are not alone and we are together
Through my window I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
lirik lagu THROUGH MY WINDOW Bunkface lyrics
DENGAR Through my Window VERSI Mila, Dafi & Akim: KLIK SINI
DENGAR Through my Window VERSI -Shila OIAM KLIK SINI
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