Kelebihan Berpuasa
Puasa sangat baik dan bermanfaat untuk kesihatan. Selain memupuk nilai-nilai murni seperti sabar dan pemurah, kebaikan puasa itu memang banyak. Antara kebaikan-kebaikan puasa termasuk untuk kesihatan ialah:
1. Puasa memberi kesegaran kepada fizikal dan mental seseorang.
2.Puasa mendekatkan diri dengan Allah:
Allah berfirman :
Maksudnya: “Lelaki-lelaki dan perempuan yang berpuasa, lelaki dan perempuan yang menjaga kehormatannya, lelaki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut (nama) Allah, Allah telah menyediakan bagi mereka keampunan dan pahala yang besar” [Al-Ahzab: 35]
3.Puasa mengawal syahawat:
Nabi SAW bersabda:
Maksudnya: “Wahai pemuda-pemudi! Barang sesiapa antara kamu berkemampuan, maka berkahwinlah, kerana pernikahan itu menundukkan pandangan dan memelihara kehormatan, dan barang sesiapa yang tidak mampu, maka hendaklah dia berpuasa kerana puasa itu adalah perisai (memutuskan syahawat)” [HR Al-Bukhari: 5065, Muslim: 1400]
4.Puasa menyelamatkan seseorang dari neraka:
Nabi SAW bersabda:
Maksudnya: “Tidaklah seorang hamba berpuasa sehari di jalan Allah, kecuali Allah akan menjauhkan dia (kerana puasanya) dari api neraka sejauh tujuh puluh tahun” [HR Al-Bukhari: 2840, Muslim: 1153]
Nabi SAW bersabda:
Maksudnya: “Puasa adalah perisai, di mana seorang hamba itu berperisai dengannya dari api neraka” [HR Ahmad: 15299, Lihat Shahih Attarghib: 970]
5.Puasa menjanjikan syurga:
Dari Abi Umamah, beliau berkata:
Maksudnya : Wahai Rasulullah! Tunjukkan kepadaku, amalan yang boleh membawaku kepada syurga, Nabi SAW bersabda: “Ke atasmu puasa, tidak ada amalan yang sama dengannya” [HR Annasa'i: 2220, Lihat Shahih Sunan Annasa'i: 2097]
6. Puasa akan membantu menghakiskan keracunan yang berada
dalam tubuh badan manusia.
7. Puasa akan memberi keseimbangan dalam darah.
8. Bila darah kita terlampau berasid, puasa dapat menurunkan PH dan
menyebabkan darah kembali alkali.
9. Puasa boleh menurunkan darah tinggi.
10.Puasa boleh menurunkan berat badan.
11.Puasa membersihkan segala kotoran dalam badan.
12.Puasa boleh mencerahkan pemandangan mata.
13.. Puasa bertindak menghancurkan sisa-sisa racun atau toksik dalam
darah manusia.
14. Puasa akan memberi kesegaran pada otot-otot dan akan membuat
anda sihat, segar dan bertenaga.
15.Puasa akan memanjangkan umur anda.
16. Puasa akan membersihkan diri anda dari dosa.
17. Puasa jadikan kita lebih BERDISIPLIN.
Selamat Berpuasa;)
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Niat Puasa Dan Doa-Doa Ramadhan
Selamat Berpuasa diucapkan kepada Seluruh Umat Islam.Semoga puasa kali ini menjadikan kita insan lebih sabar dan lebih baik.
Niat Dan Doa-Doa Ramadhan
Niat Dan Doa-Doa Ramadhan
Niat Puasa Dalam Bahasa Melayu :
Nawaitu shouma ghodin ‘an adaa-i fardhi syahri romadhoona haadzihis sanati lillaahi ta ‘aala.
Ertinya :
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Sahaja aku berpuasa pada esok hari pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini fardu atasku kerana Allah Ta’ala
Doa buka puasa:
Allahumma Lakasumtu wabika amantu, Waala Rizqiqa Aftartu Wabiramatikaya arrahman rahimin... Amin.
Amalan Pada Bulan Ramadhan
Sunnat membaca doa-doa berikut :
Ertinya : "Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku kurniakan kepadaku rahmat kerana Engkau sahaja yang dapat memberi rahmat"
Ertinya : Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku ampunilah dosaku. Ya Tuhan pentadbir semesta alam"
Ertinya : "Ya Allah Ya Tuhan bebaskan aku dari siksa api neraka dan masukkan aku ke dalam syurga Engkau Ya Tuhan pentadbir semesta alam dengan rahmat Engkau, kerana Engkau sahaja yang dapat memberi rahmat."
Sunat diperbanyakkan membaca sebelum berbuka puasa, dengan harapan memohon keampunan dari Allah berkat bulan yang mulia
Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers) lyrics+ Video
Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers) lyrics+ Video
Lirik Lagu JJ and Ean (Hitz fm morning crew parody) ft Nadhira
It’s Nadhira, what’s up JJ and Ean
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, Go tigers!
On the pitch, they gonna leave no survivor
Black and Yellow, hello, catch the fever
Come on Malaysians, let’s make you all believers
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning! Go tigers! Go tigers!
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning! Go tigers! Go Go tigers
Black stripes with yellow trims
I heard they scare of us cos we gonna win
We’re tiger on our chest
Can you hear us roaring
We playing our best and we will be scoring
Suzuki Cup we bag the medal from our next the medal dingle
We gonna line up like a candle
Hitam Kuning can you
All the haters can shout..Malaysians Tiger with the coach..Rajagopal
Chorus (X2)
Harimau Malaya, mengaum gagah,
Juara Malaya, Raja Asia
Lawan Diserang, tiada gentar
Mengaum gagah, lawan gentar
Harimau Malaya, dunia digegar
If you are proud of the Malaysia football team,
everybody stand up with us now and get ready to sing, alright?
3, 2, 1 go!
Chorus (X2)
tags: Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers), Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers), Lirik Lagu Sokongan Harimau Malaya, Lirik Lagu Tema Pasukan Malaysia, Harimau Malaya Anthem, Lagu Semangat Harimau Malaya
Lirik Lagu JJ and Ean (Hitz fm morning crew parody) ft Nadhira
It’s Nadhira, what’s up JJ and Ean
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, Go tigers!
On the pitch, they gonna leave no survivor
Black and Yellow, hello, catch the fever
Come on Malaysians, let’s make you all believers
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning! Go tigers! Go tigers!
Hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning, hitam kuning! Go tigers! Go Go tigers
Black stripes with yellow trims
I heard they scare of us cos we gonna win
We’re tiger on our chest
Can you hear us roaring
We playing our best and we will be scoring
Suzuki Cup we bag the medal from our next the medal dingle
We gonna line up like a candle
Hitam Kuning can you
All the haters can shout..Malaysians Tiger with the coach..Rajagopal
Chorus (X2)
Harimau Malaya, mengaum gagah,
Juara Malaya, Raja Asia
Lawan Diserang, tiada gentar
Mengaum gagah, lawan gentar
Harimau Malaya, dunia digegar
If you are proud of the Malaysia football team,
everybody stand up with us now and get ready to sing, alright?
3, 2, 1 go!
Chorus (X2)
tags: Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers), Lirik Lagu Morning Crew Parody - Hitam Kuning (Go Tigers), Lirik Lagu Sokongan Harimau Malaya, Lirik Lagu Tema Pasukan Malaysia, Harimau Malaya Anthem, Lagu Semangat Harimau Malaya
Lirik Lagu 27 Lyrics by M.I.A. Lyrics + video
27 Lyrics by M.I.A.

M.I.A. – 27 Lyrics
said your all mouth and no brains
all rock starsgo to heaven
you said you’ll be dead at 27 seven
when we drunk in a English tavern
the owner poured you the Bourbon
and you drunk your self so rotten
so he got so rich he bought a Bentley
and moved himself to Devon
you started dirty
and you bar tended a dozen
i took you to the clinic
to get you clean but you couldn’t
said in 2 days ur 27 and and ur destiny was comin
so ur papa passed so sudden
and left you with lil somin
you blew that money on a mountain of drugs
and staged your self a bed in
a month later when i popped in
your still high but the winter set in
i bought you a and a muffin
and you quoted me some Lenin
i wished i was that clever
but thats what kept me coming
your friendship did mean somin
but you left me for nothin
when i left, you befriended a rope
and i saw you both were hanging.
M.I.A. – 27 Lyrics

M.I.A. – 27 Lyrics
said your all mouth and no brains
all rock starsgo to heaven
you said you’ll be dead at 27 seven
when we drunk in a English tavern
the owner poured you the Bourbon
and you drunk your self so rotten
so he got so rich he bought a Bentley
and moved himself to Devon
you started dirty
and you bar tended a dozen
i took you to the clinic
to get you clean but you couldn’t
said in 2 days ur 27 and and ur destiny was comin
so ur papa passed so sudden
and left you with lil somin
you blew that money on a mountain of drugs
and staged your self a bed in
a month later when i popped in
your still high but the winter set in
i bought you a and a muffin
and you quoted me some Lenin
i wished i was that clever
but thats what kept me coming
your friendship did mean somin
but you left me for nothin
when i left, you befriended a rope
and i saw you both were hanging.
M.I.A. – 27 Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics + video
Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics
Lirik“The Death Of You And Me” lyrics
High tide, summer in the city
The kids are looking pretty
But isn’t it a pity that the sunshine
Is followed by the thunder, with thoughts of going under
And is it any wonder
Why the sea is calling out to me
I seem to spend my whole life running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
High tide, life is getting faster
And no one has the answer
I try to face the day though
In a new way
The bottom of a bottle
Is every man’s apostle
Let’s run away together
You and me
Forever we’d be free
Free to spend our whole lives running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
Let’s run away and see
Forever we’d be free
Free to spend our whole lives running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds coming
I’m watching my TV, or is it watching me?
I see another new day dawning
It’s rising over me, my mortality
And I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
tags: Lirik Lagu Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics + video, Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics
Lirik“The Death Of You And Me” lyrics
High tide, summer in the city
The kids are looking pretty
But isn’t it a pity that the sunshine
Is followed by the thunder, with thoughts of going under
And is it any wonder
Why the sea is calling out to me
I seem to spend my whole life running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
High tide, life is getting faster
And no one has the answer
I try to face the day though
In a new way
The bottom of a bottle
Is every man’s apostle
Let’s run away together
You and me
Forever we’d be free
Free to spend our whole lives running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
Let’s run away and see
Forever we’d be free
Free to spend our whole lives running
From people who would be
The death of you and me
Cause I can feel the storm clouds coming
I’m watching my TV, or is it watching me?
I see another new day dawning
It’s rising over me, my mortality
And I can feel the storm clouds
Sucking up my soul
tags: Lirik Lagu Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics + video, Noel Gallagher – The Death Of You And Me Lyrics
Lirik Lagu 1nite - Cobra Starship Lyrics + video
1nite Lyrics by Cobra Starship

Cobra Starship – 1nite Lyrics
We’re in the spot right now
Che-checking it out
Got from all the wallets, going down no doubt
Got girls to my left, drinks to my right
How can doubt it, this is gon’ be one of them nights
Whatever you need is on the dancefloor
Can’t wait every morn, because it don’t last forever
No-oh wo
Go jump to the spotlight, and tear it up like we got one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
I got one hand up
The other on you, you
Got me in a spell ya, girl the way you move
Tomorrow ain’t real, tonight is all truth
Gonna have you screaming out, gonna make you say, ooh, ooh, ooh
We’re falling in love on the dancefloor
Girl, you and me we’ll make this last forever
The future is alright
Gonna live it up like got one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
tags: Cobra Starship – 1nite Lyrics, Lirik Lagu 1nite - Cobra Starship Lyrics + video

Cobra Starship – 1nite Lyrics
We’re in the spot right now
Che-checking it out
Got from all the wallets, going down no doubt
Got girls to my left, drinks to my right
How can doubt it, this is gon’ be one of them nights
Whatever you need is on the dancefloor
Can’t wait every morn, because it don’t last forever
No-oh wo
Go jump to the spotlight, and tear it up like we got one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
I got one hand up
The other on you, you
Got me in a spell ya, girl the way you move
Tomorrow ain’t real, tonight is all truth
Gonna have you screaming out, gonna make you say, ooh, ooh, ooh
We’re falling in love on the dancefloor
Girl, you and me we’ll make this last forever
The future is alright
Gonna live it up like got one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So right now you better jump, ride it
Tomorrow morning, we’ll leaving
So let’s keep it rocking til daylight
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
Cause you know we just got one life, one life, one life
Gotta live like we got one night, one night, one night
tags: Cobra Starship – 1nite Lyrics, Lirik Lagu 1nite - Cobra Starship Lyrics + video
Video Gol Youtube Malaysia vs Singapura perlawanan 23 Julai 2011
Video Gol Youtube Malaysia vs Singapura perlawanan 23 Julai 2011
Keputusan Separuh Masa Pertama : Malaysia (1) - (4) Singapura
Kpeutusan Separuh Masa Kedua : Malaysia ( 3 ) - ( 5 ) Singapura
Keputusan Separuh Masa Pertama : Malaysia (1) - (4) Singapura
Kpeutusan Separuh Masa Kedua : Malaysia ( 3 ) - ( 5 ) Singapura
Perlawanan Separuh Masa Kedua
Keputusan perlawanan Malaysia 3 - Singapura 5.Perlwanan seterusnya akan diadakan di Bukit Jalil pada 28 Julai 2011
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Lirik Lagu Nothing Moves Me Anymore - Wonderland Lyrics + video
Nothing Moves Me Anymore Lyrics by Wonderland
Wonderland – Nothing Moves Me Anymore Lyrics
When I had you, I could laugh until I cried
Throw my hands up on a roller coaster ride
When I had you, oh, you could make me mad as hell
And drive me crazy
Ain’t that what love’s about
But we always made it right
Yes and I was so alive
Nothing moves me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
I was flesh and blood before
Now I’m only skin and bone
There are no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
(Yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea)
Nothing moves me anymore
(Nothing, No, Nothing, No, Moves Me..)
I go to work
I put in my time
If someone asks me
I just say I’m doing fine
When I get home
I pour a glass of red
I turn the lights down
I lay back on my bed
And I let my records play
I close my eyes and wait
Nothing moves me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
I was flesh and blood before
Now I’m only skin and bone
There’s no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
(Yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea)
Nothing moves me anymore
Nothing moves me anymore
Ohhh nooo..
Nothing me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
And the world at my door
Telling me to just move on
There are no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
Nothing moves me anymore
Ohh nothing moves me
Cause nothing moves me anymore
I go to work put in my time
If someones asks me
I say I’m doing fine
tags: Wonderland – Nothing Moves Me Anymore Lyrics, Lirik Lagu Nothing Moves Me Anymore - Wonderland Lyrics + video
Wonderland – Nothing Moves Me Anymore Lyrics
When I had you, I could laugh until I cried
Throw my hands up on a roller coaster ride
When I had you, oh, you could make me mad as hell
And drive me crazy
Ain’t that what love’s about
But we always made it right
Yes and I was so alive
Nothing moves me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
I was flesh and blood before
Now I’m only skin and bone
There are no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
(Yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea)
Nothing moves me anymore
(Nothing, No, Nothing, No, Moves Me..)
I go to work
I put in my time
If someone asks me
I just say I’m doing fine
When I get home
I pour a glass of red
I turn the lights down
I lay back on my bed
And I let my records play
I close my eyes and wait
Nothing moves me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
I was flesh and blood before
Now I’m only skin and bone
There’s no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
(Yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea, I-yea)
Nothing moves me anymore
Nothing moves me anymore
Ohhh nooo..
Nothing me anymore
I’m as cold as a stone
And the world at my door
Telling me to just move on
There are no signs of life
I’ve never felt this empty before
Nothing moves me anymore
Ohh nothing moves me
Cause nothing moves me anymore
I go to work put in my time
If someones asks me
I say I’m doing fine
tags: Wonderland – Nothing Moves Me Anymore Lyrics, Lirik Lagu Nothing Moves Me Anymore - Wonderland Lyrics + video
Lirik Lagu Shots On The Hood Of My Car- Kesha Lyrics + video
Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics by Kesha

Kesha – Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics
Were cruzin’ tonight
We got the roof back
More hall and drive
Were at the top (ya)
Foolin’ off
Gettin’ lost in the city lights
Take it to the hollywood sign
Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I call the people who have been there thur the thick and thin
I’ll buy a bottle of the finest scotch there ever was
And we can watch it blow
Into oblivion
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Close night
I see the sun rise
I’ll take it off
And watch the time fly
Catchin’ rides
Ridin’ high
In the twilight
Livin’ thur these hollywood nights
Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I hope I go out with a bang
And my sickest friends
I give a toast and brake the bottles on the out sprout
And watch the world expload
Like it was last call
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Oh oh
Oh oh oh
Not for the money
Not for the fame
Every night and everyday
I’m just doin’ this my way
I’m just doin’ this my way
Let’s just take our finally bow
As the lights are burnin’ out
Goin’ down
Goin’ down
(Down, down)
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
(Doin’ shots on the hood of my car)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Doin’ shots)
Doin’ shots on the hood
Doin’ shots on the hood
And we go down
Doin’ shots
Doin’ shots on the hood
In the night
Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Doin’ shots.
tags:Lirik Lagu Shots On The Hood Of My Car- Kesha Lyrics + video , Kesha – Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics

Kesha – Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics
Were cruzin’ tonight
We got the roof back
More hall and drive
Were at the top (ya)
Foolin’ off
Gettin’ lost in the city lights
Take it to the hollywood sign
Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I call the people who have been there thur the thick and thin
I’ll buy a bottle of the finest scotch there ever was
And we can watch it blow
Into oblivion
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Close night
I see the sun rise
I’ll take it off
And watch the time fly
Catchin’ rides
Ridin’ high
In the twilight
Livin’ thur these hollywood nights
Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I hope I go out with a bang
And my sickest friends
I give a toast and brake the bottles on the out sprout
And watch the world expload
Like it was last call
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Oh oh
Oh oh oh
Not for the money
Not for the fame
Every night and everyday
I’m just doin’ this my way
I’m just doin’ this my way
Let’s just take our finally bow
As the lights are burnin’ out
Goin’ down
Goin’ down
(Down, down)
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
(Doin’ shots on the hood of my car)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Doin’ shots)
Doin’ shots on the hood
Doin’ shots on the hood
And we go down
Doin’ shots
Doin’ shots on the hood
In the night
Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Doin’ shots.
tags:Lirik Lagu Shots On The Hood Of My Car- Kesha Lyrics + video , Kesha – Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Wait- David Archuleta Lyrics + video
Lirik Lagu Wait- David Archuleta Lyrics + video
Wait Lyrics by David Archuleta

David Archuleta– Wait Lyrics
I can’t sleep, I’m feeling wide awake
Tonight is taking it’s time
How much more before the morning breaks
And I can leave it all behind
‘Cause every time I try to close my eyes
I only end up seeing memories of you
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
I am keeping every word you say
But how much longer can I hold on
Cause whispers echoing until they fade
Remind me that you’re already gone
‘Cause every time I try to chase your voice
I end up getting lost and running in circles
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Oooh yeah, don’t go
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
David Archuleta – Wait Lyrics
Wait Lyrics by David Archuleta

David Archuleta– Wait Lyrics
I can’t sleep, I’m feeling wide awake
Tonight is taking it’s time
How much more before the morning breaks
And I can leave it all behind
‘Cause every time I try to close my eyes
I only end up seeing memories of you
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
I am keeping every word you say
But how much longer can I hold on
Cause whispers echoing until they fade
Remind me that you’re already gone
‘Cause every time I try to chase your voice
I end up getting lost and running in circles
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Oooh yeah, don’t go
Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
David Archuleta – Wait Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Lights – Everybody Breaks A Glass Lyrics
Lights – Everybody Breaks A Glass Lyrics
Lirik “Everybody Breaks A Glass”lyrics
it’s not a solid, not a soft thing, to pull the wool up like a smoke screen
nobody does it like a prophet, it’s gone before you know you lost it
there are reasons you keep your hands tied, there’s certain things you shouldn’t have tried
so if you gotta tell me something, you better go from the beginning
we all pretend to keep our tongue out of our cheek
everyone’s the fool they seek
we all go off the track, and feel for our way back
everybody breaks a glass
and here i’m standing in the middle, not just a little but a hill full
wondering how i got a head cold, wishing i didn’t know what i know
it’s never been about the money, we’re worthy or we are not worthy
however much you got on your plate, you’re as good as you reciprocate
we all pretend to keep our tongue out of our cheek
everyone’s the fool they seek
we all go off the track, and feel for our way back
everybody breaks a glass
scared to look
at peers when they peer back
it’s weird how we fear that
it’s weird how we wear masks
it appears that we fear our own tears
more than tear gas
my team’s struggling in years past
looking to draft beers
to bring cheers back
but when the drinking game’s finished
no guinness- just a clear glass
seeing our real image mirrored back
the places that we go to cope
it’s so strange
when we’re older folks
it don’t change
trying to hang, we don’t know the ropes
when we fall, we got more than our shoulders broke
it’s no game
tags: Lirik Lagu Lights – Everybody Breaks A Glass Lyrics
Lirik “Everybody Breaks A Glass”lyrics
it’s not a solid, not a soft thing, to pull the wool up like a smoke screen
nobody does it like a prophet, it’s gone before you know you lost it
there are reasons you keep your hands tied, there’s certain things you shouldn’t have tried
so if you gotta tell me something, you better go from the beginning
we all pretend to keep our tongue out of our cheek
everyone’s the fool they seek
we all go off the track, and feel for our way back
everybody breaks a glass
and here i’m standing in the middle, not just a little but a hill full
wondering how i got a head cold, wishing i didn’t know what i know
it’s never been about the money, we’re worthy or we are not worthy
however much you got on your plate, you’re as good as you reciprocate
we all pretend to keep our tongue out of our cheek
everyone’s the fool they seek
we all go off the track, and feel for our way back
everybody breaks a glass
scared to look
at peers when they peer back
it’s weird how we fear that
it’s weird how we wear masks
it appears that we fear our own tears
more than tear gas
my team’s struggling in years past
looking to draft beers
to bring cheers back
but when the drinking game’s finished
no guinness- just a clear glass
seeing our real image mirrored back
the places that we go to cope
it’s so strange
when we’re older folks
it don’t change
trying to hang, we don’t know the ropes
when we fall, we got more than our shoulders broke
it’s no game
tags: Lirik Lagu Lights – Everybody Breaks A Glass Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Shake Life Lyrics by Young Jeezy Lyrics
Shake Life Lyrics by Young Jeezy

Young Jeezy – Shake Life Lyrics
[Young Jeezy - Verse 1]
Got a million on my mind while I’m brushing my teeth
Say the hustlers prayer than I’m back to these streets
A million muthaf-ckas throwin salt on my name
A million muthaf-ckas throwin salt on my game
Can’t hear you bitch ass niggas yeah I’m sorry
Too busy switchin these gears in my Ferrari
Roof do gymnastics, shits like magic
Life like traffic, this shit here classic
Worked the Nino Brown, went to chill in the Bahamas
I was all in the hood, got some head in the Bahama’s
Why you smokin’ ’bout a six? It suppress my pain
Talk about a real nigga when you mention my name
I’m a simple man, want the money, f-ck fame
While you stay the same, everybody else change
Oh nooo but I’m going out tonight though
And drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folks
I know it look bad, its gon be alright
Keep them bottles coming we gon be here all night
Roll them swishas up, we about to take flight
Need a set of new dice yeah, I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah we ’bout the shake life
And live every night like it’s Friday night
Need a set of new dice
We ’bout the shake life
[Young Jeezy - Verse 2]
I’m ’bout the shake life thats word to my momma
The work come in, yeah its on Your Honour
Give me all the time in the World and I quote
You give me a hundred years but I won’t be broke
When you broke, treat you like a bad joke
Niggas laugh at you when they know it aint funny
Government playin’ round with everybody money
Got us brainwashed so we all big dummies
War in these streets everyday like Libya
Will I get shot in the head? it’s like Trivia
CNN tryna get us to hate all the Muslims
Them niggas never talkin the truth so don’t trust ‘em
Niggas out there die about true religion
Young niggas over here dying over True Religions
So f-ck it all I’m going out tonight though
Drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folks
I know it look bad, its gon be a’ight
Keep them bottles coming we gon be here all night
Roll them swishas up, we about to take flight
Need a set of new dice yeah, I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah we ’bout the shake life
And live every night like it’s Friday night
Need a set of new dice
We ’bout the shake life
[Young Jeezy - Verse 3]
Supposed to live everyday just like it’s your last
Smile at these suckas while you spending your cash
Ball til you fall, how long it’s gon last
The only thing that matters is how long is your cash
So holla when you see me out stuntin in these cars
When you looking at a niggas do you niggas see my scars
Stab me in the back, thats right the game cut me
I got it all but lost all my dogs, the game f-cked me
Some in cemeteries, and the rest got 30
Why I’m so clean tonight cause life dirty
These jockin ass rappers tryna jock my fresh
Remind me of seventh grade, when they was jockin’ my Guess
I aint gonna lie, shit I had it back then
8 for an O, I can lease bout 10
So f-ck it all shit I’m going out tonight though
And drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folk
Young Jeezy – Shake Life Lyrics

Young Jeezy – Shake Life Lyrics
[Young Jeezy - Verse 1]
Got a million on my mind while I’m brushing my teeth
Say the hustlers prayer than I’m back to these streets
A million muthaf-ckas throwin salt on my name
A million muthaf-ckas throwin salt on my game
Can’t hear you bitch ass niggas yeah I’m sorry
Too busy switchin these gears in my Ferrari
Roof do gymnastics, shits like magic
Life like traffic, this shit here classic
Worked the Nino Brown, went to chill in the Bahamas
I was all in the hood, got some head in the Bahama’s
Why you smokin’ ’bout a six? It suppress my pain
Talk about a real nigga when you mention my name
I’m a simple man, want the money, f-ck fame
While you stay the same, everybody else change
Oh nooo but I’m going out tonight though
And drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folks
I know it look bad, its gon be alright
Keep them bottles coming we gon be here all night
Roll them swishas up, we about to take flight
Need a set of new dice yeah, I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah we ’bout the shake life
And live every night like it’s Friday night
Need a set of new dice
We ’bout the shake life
[Young Jeezy - Verse 2]
I’m ’bout the shake life thats word to my momma
The work come in, yeah its on Your Honour
Give me all the time in the World and I quote
You give me a hundred years but I won’t be broke
When you broke, treat you like a bad joke
Niggas laugh at you when they know it aint funny
Government playin’ round with everybody money
Got us brainwashed so we all big dummies
War in these streets everyday like Libya
Will I get shot in the head? it’s like Trivia
CNN tryna get us to hate all the Muslims
Them niggas never talkin the truth so don’t trust ‘em
Niggas out there die about true religion
Young niggas over here dying over True Religions
So f-ck it all I’m going out tonight though
Drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folks
I know it look bad, its gon be a’ight
Keep them bottles coming we gon be here all night
Roll them swishas up, we about to take flight
Need a set of new dice yeah, I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah I’m ’bout the shake life
’bout the shake life
Yeah we ’bout the shake life
And live every night like it’s Friday night
Need a set of new dice
We ’bout the shake life
[Young Jeezy - Verse 3]
Supposed to live everyday just like it’s your last
Smile at these suckas while you spending your cash
Ball til you fall, how long it’s gon last
The only thing that matters is how long is your cash
So holla when you see me out stuntin in these cars
When you looking at a niggas do you niggas see my scars
Stab me in the back, thats right the game cut me
I got it all but lost all my dogs, the game f-cked me
Some in cemeteries, and the rest got 30
Why I’m so clean tonight cause life dirty
These jockin ass rappers tryna jock my fresh
Remind me of seventh grade, when they was jockin’ my Guess
I aint gonna lie, shit I had it back then
8 for an O, I can lease bout 10
So f-ck it all shit I’m going out tonight though
And drink til I’m f-cked up like them white folk
Young Jeezy – Shake Life Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Wiz Khalifa Ft. Curren$y, Big Sean – Dot Dot Dot Lyrics ringtoneSend “Dot Dot Dot” Ringtone to your Cellringtone [Verse 1: Wiz Khalifa] King size papers, king size bed Niggas blow money but I’d rather keep mine instead Roll something nigga, blow something Say you’re ballin’ out of control Let a nigga hold something Specially if you got in, and he don’t put his niggas on Tell me what’s the sense in even having it for? Cause when you’re broke, you’ll have everything to gain When you lose it all… Let you inhale out the vap’ Do it for the taste Usually I roll one up, then pass around But now I smoke it to the face Cause chiefing with niggas is such a waste Unless they my niggas, and 9 out of 10 times They got their own pound with ‘em Own pack of papers and filters, on the ground We be smoking them things like 6 at a time 5 in the L, 4 breakin’ down 3 in my head, 2 on my mind, nigga [Hook] One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled I keep more than one rolled.. One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled I keep more than one rolled..…dot-dot-lyrics.html [Verse 2: Curren$y] A bit of a pothead It has been said I keep one rolled up Like LL’s pants legs Full of life in this bitch, though I may seem half-dead Trust me, I’m cool I just ain’t talking to you And them Jet’s coming through It’s just as I predicted Got a bigger portion Cause the Jet’s eating off bigger dishes now.. Ain’t that the biggest fish up in this pond? Since life’s a bitch, tell her roll my shit up, huh? Secret compartment in my car, James Bond Though I’m James ball nigga bread long And my name known known in e’ry home household Caught them pussies slippin’ tryna squeeze In the mouse, ho. That cheese is “nachos” You are not chose by the Gods To live as we do, so play your role in the movie Ain’t no pause, no rewind For no man, waste time So I ain’t wasting mine More grass, more green, more grind, nigga I keep: [Hook] [Verse 3: Big Sean] And these bitch ass niggas F-ck around, I’ma have to bitch-smack me a nigga (These niggas) Roll around with a bunch of get-rich ass niggas Who the man? You ain’t even gotta ask these niggas I’mma f-ck around and take these last 3 pictures Man, these bitches breakin’ their neck Just to pass weed with us We both get high, get drunk, more shots, reload Too high, we know, 3 more, TeVo, we blow Bitch, how could you be so fine? Shake that ass, she’s so mine Taking more double shots than free throw lines I’m might hit like 3-4 times They say “what the f-ck is you on?” F-ck if I’m right F-ck it, I’m on, you f-cking at home Watching my ass, bet that I’m on My way to the top, and I’m commin’along wit’: [Hook] Wiz Khalifa Ft. Curren$y, Big Sean – Dot Dot Dot Lyrics
Wiz Khalifa Ft. Curren$y, Big Sean – Dot Dot Dot Lyrics
Lirik “Dot Dot Dot” lirik
[Verse 1: Wiz Khalifa]
King size papers, king size bed
Niggas blow money but I’d rather keep mine instead
Roll something nigga, blow something
Say you’re ballin’ out of control
Let a nigga hold something
Specially if you got in, and he don’t put his niggas on
Tell me what’s the sense in even having it for?
Cause when you’re broke, you’ll have everything to gain
When you lose it all…
Let you inhale out the vap’
Do it for the taste
Usually I roll one up, then pass around
But now I smoke it to the face
Cause chiefing with niggas is such a waste
Unless they my niggas, and 9 out of 10 times
They got their own pound with ‘em
Own pack of papers and filters, on the ground
We be smoking them things like 6 at a time
5 in the L, 4 breakin’ down
3 in my head, 2 on my mind, nigga
One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled
I keep more than one rolled..
One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled
I keep more than one rolled..
[Verse 2: Curren$y]
A bit of a pothead
It has been said I keep one rolled up
Like LL’s pants legs
Full of life in this bitch, though
I may seem half-dead
Trust me, I’m cool
I just ain’t talking to you
And them Jet’s coming through
It’s just as I predicted
Got a bigger portion
Cause the Jet’s eating off bigger dishes now..
Ain’t that the biggest fish up in this pond?
Since life’s a bitch, tell her roll my shit up, huh?
Secret compartment in my car, James Bond
Though I’m James ball nigga bread long
And my name known known in e’ry home household
Caught them pussies slippin’ tryna squeeze
In the mouse, ho. That cheese is “nachos”
You are not chose by the Gods
To live as we do, so play your role in the movie
Ain’t no pause, no rewind
For no man, waste time
So I ain’t wasting mine
More grass, more green, more grind, nigga I keep:
[Verse 3: Big Sean]
And these bitch ass niggas
F-ck around, I’ma have to bitch-smack me a nigga (These niggas)
Roll around with a bunch of get-rich ass niggas
Who the man? You ain’t even gotta ask these niggas
I’mma f-ck around and take these last 3 pictures
Man, these bitches breakin’ their neck
Just to pass weed with us
We both get high, get drunk, more shots, reload
Too high, we know, 3 more, TeVo, we blow
Bitch, how could you be so fine?
Shake that ass, she’s so mine
Taking more double shots than free throw lines
I’m might hit like 3-4 times
They say “what the f-ck is you on?”
F-ck if I’m right
F-ck it, I’m on, you f-cking at home
Watching my ass, bet that I’m on
My way to the top, and I’m commin’along wit’:
Wiz Khalifa Ft. Curren$y, Big Sean – Dot Dot Dot Lyrics
Lirik “Dot Dot Dot” lirik
[Verse 1: Wiz Khalifa]
King size papers, king size bed
Niggas blow money but I’d rather keep mine instead
Roll something nigga, blow something
Say you’re ballin’ out of control
Let a nigga hold something
Specially if you got in, and he don’t put his niggas on
Tell me what’s the sense in even having it for?
Cause when you’re broke, you’ll have everything to gain
When you lose it all…
Let you inhale out the vap’
Do it for the taste
Usually I roll one up, then pass around
But now I smoke it to the face
Cause chiefing with niggas is such a waste
Unless they my niggas, and 9 out of 10 times
They got their own pound with ‘em
Own pack of papers and filters, on the ground
We be smoking them things like 6 at a time
5 in the L, 4 breakin’ down
3 in my head, 2 on my mind, nigga
One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled
I keep more than one rolled..
One rolled, one rolled, one rolled, one rolled
I keep more than one rolled..
[Verse 2: Curren$y]
A bit of a pothead
It has been said I keep one rolled up
Like LL’s pants legs
Full of life in this bitch, though
I may seem half-dead
Trust me, I’m cool
I just ain’t talking to you
And them Jet’s coming through
It’s just as I predicted
Got a bigger portion
Cause the Jet’s eating off bigger dishes now..
Ain’t that the biggest fish up in this pond?
Since life’s a bitch, tell her roll my shit up, huh?
Secret compartment in my car, James Bond
Though I’m James ball nigga bread long
And my name known known in e’ry home household
Caught them pussies slippin’ tryna squeeze
In the mouse, ho. That cheese is “nachos”
You are not chose by the Gods
To live as we do, so play your role in the movie
Ain’t no pause, no rewind
For no man, waste time
So I ain’t wasting mine
More grass, more green, more grind, nigga I keep:
[Verse 3: Big Sean]
And these bitch ass niggas
F-ck around, I’ma have to bitch-smack me a nigga (These niggas)
Roll around with a bunch of get-rich ass niggas
Who the man? You ain’t even gotta ask these niggas
I’mma f-ck around and take these last 3 pictures
Man, these bitches breakin’ their neck
Just to pass weed with us
We both get high, get drunk, more shots, reload
Too high, we know, 3 more, TeVo, we blow
Bitch, how could you be so fine?
Shake that ass, she’s so mine
Taking more double shots than free throw lines
I’m might hit like 3-4 times
They say “what the f-ck is you on?”
F-ck if I’m right
F-ck it, I’m on, you f-cking at home
Watching my ass, bet that I’m on
My way to the top, and I’m commin’along wit’:
Wiz Khalifa Ft. Curren$y, Big Sean – Dot Dot Dot Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Monster- Paramore Lyrics + video
Monster by Paramore

Paramore – Monster Lyrics
You were my conscience, so solid now you’re like water.
And we started drowning, not like we’d sink any farther.
But I let my heart go, its somewhere down at the bottom.
But I’ll get a new one and come back for the hope that you´ve stolen.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Now that you’re gone, the world is ours.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
I’m only human, I’ve got a skeleton in me
But i’m not the villain despite what you’re always preaching
Call me a traitor, I’m just collecting your victims
They’re getting stronger, I hear them calling (calling, calling)
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Now that you’re gone, the world is ours.
Well, you thought of straight big solutions, well I liked attention
We’re not always knowing the answers, you’re gonna lose it, you’re gonna lose it.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Well, now that you’re gone the world is ours.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Well, now that you’re gone the world is ours.
tags: Paramore – Monster Lyrics, Lirik Lagu Monster- Paramore Lyrics + video

Paramore – Monster Lyrics
You were my conscience, so solid now you’re like water.
And we started drowning, not like we’d sink any farther.
But I let my heart go, its somewhere down at the bottom.
But I’ll get a new one and come back for the hope that you´ve stolen.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Now that you’re gone, the world is ours.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
I’m only human, I’ve got a skeleton in me
But i’m not the villain despite what you’re always preaching
Call me a traitor, I’m just collecting your victims
They’re getting stronger, I hear them calling (calling, calling)
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Now that you’re gone, the world is ours.
Well, you thought of straight big solutions, well I liked attention
We’re not always knowing the answers, you’re gonna lose it, you’re gonna lose it.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Well, now that you’re gone the world is ours.
I’ll stop the whole world, I’ll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster and eating us alive
Dont you ever wonder how we survived?
Well, now that you’re gone the world is ours.
tags: Paramore – Monster Lyrics, Lirik Lagu Monster- Paramore Lyrics + video
Lirik Lagu Demi Lovato – Rascacielos Lyrics
Demi Lovato – Rascacielos Lyrics
Lirik “Rascacielos” video
Rascacielos by Demi Lovato

Llora el cielo y en mis manos
Veo sus lagrimas caer
El silencio, me hace daño
Se acabo nuestro querer
La tristeza me castiga, se apropia de mi ser
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Poco a poco, con el tiempo
Voy a olvidarme de ti
No te vas a dar cuenta, que estoy sangrando aqui
Mis ventanas se han quebrado, mas no me voy a rendir
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Vete a volar, yo estoy mejor asi,
Muy lejos de ti
No vuelvas mas, que ya lo decidi
Sin tu recuerdo aprendere a vivir
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Demi Lovato – Rascacielos Lyrics
Lirik “Rascacielos” video
Rascacielos by Demi Lovato

Llora el cielo y en mis manos
Veo sus lagrimas caer
El silencio, me hace daño
Se acabo nuestro querer
La tristeza me castiga, se apropia de mi ser
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Poco a poco, con el tiempo
Voy a olvidarme de ti
No te vas a dar cuenta, que estoy sangrando aqui
Mis ventanas se han quebrado, mas no me voy a rendir
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Vete a volar, yo estoy mejor asi,
Muy lejos de ti
No vuelvas mas, que ya lo decidi
Sin tu recuerdo aprendere a vivir
Puedes llevarte mi ilusion
Romperme todo el corazon, como un cristal
Que se cae al suelo
Pero te juro que al final, sola me voy a levantar
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Como un rascacielos!
Demi Lovato – Rascacielos Lyrics
(Gol dijaringkan Drogba minit ke 80)
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Kedatangan pasukan Chelsea kini bakal disambut oleh ribuan penonton kelab Inggeris ini untuk ke stadium..
Menjelang perlawanan terakhir dengan kelab pasukan Eropah, skuad Malaysia diharap dapat memanfaatkan peluang keemasan beraksi dengan skuad ternama dunia untuk memantapkan lagi jentera pasukan baik ...
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Menjelang pertemuan Malaysia vs Chelsea 21 Julai ini, tumpuan pastinya tertumpu kepada penjaga gol Malaysia, Khairul Fahmi yang kelihatan seperti prestasinya sedikit merosot dalam beberapa ...
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(Gol dijaringkan Drogba minit ke 80)
Laporan Akhbar sebelum perlawanan:
Kedatangan pasukan Chelsea kini bakal disambut oleh ribuan penonton kelab Inggeris ini untuk ke stadium..
Menjelang perlawanan terakhir dengan kelab pasukan Eropah, skuad Malaysia diharap dapat memanfaatkan peluang keemasan beraksi dengan skuad ternama dunia untuk memantapkan lagi jentera pasukan baik ...
Live streaming Malaysia vs Chelsea, Siaran Langsung Perlawanan Malaysia vs Chelsea, Siaran Online Malaysia vs Chelsea, Live StreamingChelsea VS Malaysia, Siaran Langsung, ulasan perlawanan, live streaming ...
Dalam perlawanan Malaysia vs Chelsea, skuad chelsea pastinya akan menurunkan skuad terbaiknya pada separuh masa pertama dan barisan lain pada second half. Berdasarkan kajian yang ...
Menjelang pertemuan Malaysia vs Chelsea 21 Julai ini, tumpuan pastinya tertumpu kepada penjaga gol Malaysia, Khairul Fahmi yang kelihatan seperti prestasinya sedikit merosot dalam beberapa ...
Siaran Langsung Perlawanan bola sepak di antara Malaysia vs Chelsea, Siaran Online Malaysia vs Chelsea, Live Streaming Chelsea VS Malaysia, Siaran Langsung, ulasan perlawanan, live streaming perlawanan Malaysia vs Chelsea. ...
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Lirik Lagu Falling Stars -David Archuleta lyrics
Falling Stars lirik "Falling Stars" downlaod Falling Stars video
"Falling Stars"
When you forget me
When you don't remember my name
Not even a memory
Somewhere in the back of your brain
I won't be offended
Cause I always knew that the day
Will come when I'm not enough to make you stay
Tell me it's not possible,
No way that we could break
But nothing is illogical, believe me
Like falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you
'Cause you are so beautiful, yeah
The world is turning,and time keeps on lingering on
The sun will be burning
Eventually you will be gone
I'll always love you
Oh believe it or not
Baby that's not enough to, not enough to stop these...
Falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you
You are so beautiful, yeah
When it's all said and done
I'll just be a speck in the galaxy
Floating far away by gravity
Tell me it's not possible that we could break
Like falling stars
Like crashing cars
Like falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you, oh
You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful, yeah
Lirik Lagu Falling Stars -David Archuleta lyrics
Falling Stars lirik "Falling Stars" downlaod Falling Stars video
"Falling Stars"
When you forget me
When you don't remember my name
Not even a memory
Somewhere in the back of your brain
I won't be offended
Cause I always knew that the day
Will come when I'm not enough to make you stay
Tell me it's not possible,
No way that we could break
But nothing is illogical, believe me
Like falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you
'Cause you are so beautiful, yeah
The world is turning,and time keeps on lingering on
The sun will be burning
Eventually you will be gone
I'll always love you
Oh believe it or not
Baby that's not enough to, not enough to stop these...
Falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you
You are so beautiful, yeah
When it's all said and done
I'll just be a speck in the galaxy
Floating far away by gravity
Tell me it's not possible that we could break
Like falling stars
Like crashing cars
Like falling stars over your head
They've been bound to burn out, burn out
Crashing 'cause I'll never get over you, never over you, oh
You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful, yeah
Lirik Lagu Falling Stars -David Archuleta lyrics
Lirik Lagu Who I Am -David Archuleta lyrics
Who I Am lirik "Who I Am" download Who I Am video
"Who I Am"
Been two hours in a taxi cab,
I'm just driving around and I'm running a tab,
But it doesn't really matter no, I'm not getting mad,
It's OK, 'cause I know where I'm going.
Out the window everybody's on the phone,
All the lights are on, and they're all in the zone,
Gotta take a step back from my new ringtone,
I don't care if Jeff Fenster is calling (calling)
Days like these,
It's hard to breathe.
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes,
I'm gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Who I am
Windshield's like a movie screen,
And the world outside is a big machine,
And it moves so fast I can barely think,
That's OK, 'cause I know what I'm doing.
Days like these,
It's hard to breathe.
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh,
You just know,
When to hold on, when to let go
Gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh,
Who I am.
Lirik Lagu Who I Am -David Archuleta lyrics
Who I Am lirik "Who I Am" download Who I Am video
"Who I Am"
Been two hours in a taxi cab,
I'm just driving around and I'm running a tab,
But it doesn't really matter no, I'm not getting mad,
It's OK, 'cause I know where I'm going.
Out the window everybody's on the phone,
All the lights are on, and they're all in the zone,
Gotta take a step back from my new ringtone,
I don't care if Jeff Fenster is calling (calling)
Days like these,
It's hard to breathe.
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes,
I'm gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Who I am
Windshield's like a movie screen,
And the world outside is a big machine,
And it moves so fast I can barely think,
That's OK, 'cause I know what I'm doing.
Days like these,
It's hard to breathe.
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh,
You just know,
When to hold on, when to let go
Gonna take this moment that I'm in right now,
Stop the craziness somehow.
Leave it all behind me,
And no one's gonna find me.
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
I got nothing to win and I got nothing to lose,
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes.
Gonna take the time now,
It's time for me to find out
Who I am
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh,
Who I am.
Lirik Lagu Who I Am -David Archuleta lyrics
Lirik Lagu "Stomping The Roses" David Archuleta lyrics
Stomping The Roses lirik "Stomping The Roses" download Stomping The Roses video
"Stomping The Roses"
Wasting time, just going mindless
Watching your charades
When you were younger, did it occur to you
10 years from then, you'd act the same age?
I cannot carry on this way
Although I've carried all your every little thing
Carry me away
Did you feel like stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
I was flipping channels on my television
And it made me feel unwell
One of those complicated soap operas
I almost felt like I was watching myself
I cannot carry on this way
Although I've carried all your every little thing
Carry me away
Did you feel like stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Everyone knows it
I know I know I know I know it's over
and I know I know I know I've
Always been your token nice guy
I know that you rule your whole world
Thought I could live in it
But I just can't
You know you're stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Everyone knows it
Stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Stomping, Stomping Yeah
Take it easy, yeah
Lirik Lagu "Stomping The Roses" David Archuleta lyrics
Stomping The Roses lirik "Stomping The Roses" download Stomping The Roses video
"Stomping The Roses"
Wasting time, just going mindless
Watching your charades
When you were younger, did it occur to you
10 years from then, you'd act the same age?
I cannot carry on this way
Although I've carried all your every little thing
Carry me away
Did you feel like stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
I was flipping channels on my television
And it made me feel unwell
One of those complicated soap operas
I almost felt like I was watching myself
I cannot carry on this way
Although I've carried all your every little thing
Carry me away
Did you feel like stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Everyone knows it
I know I know I know I know it's over
and I know I know I know I've
Always been your token nice guy
I know that you rule your whole world
Thought I could live in it
But I just can't
You know you're stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Everyone knows it
Stomping the roses
Smashing out all the feeling inside of them
It's bad business
The way you're stomping the roses
Stomping, Stomping Yeah
Take it easy, yeah
Lirik Lagu "Stomping The Roses" David Archuleta lyrics
Lirik Lagu "Not A Very Good Liar" David Archuleta lyrics
Not A Very Good Liar lirik "Not A Very Good Liar" download Not A Very Good Liar video
"Not A Very Good Liar"
You can't tell me anything that's true
You said that nothing does feel right
Don't stop your reminiscing
Somehow you're not convincing
Why even try to hide it inside
You say you won't (something)
Tell me that you're fine.
You know that doesn't work
I don't believe you
You're not a very good liar
You said it doesn't hurt, said you'd never cry
Go ahead deny
You know it's not true
You're not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Inside you're falling apart to keep it together
Something crying all night
It's for the best, you keep on saying
Something better is out there waiting
But I know lies, I see it every time
Yeah, yeah
Tell me that you're fine
I know it doesn't hurt (something)
I don't believe you
You're not a very good liar
You said it doesn't hurt, said you'd never cry
You can tell yourself, go ahead and lie
You know it's not true
You're not a very good liar
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
You're not a very good liar
Maybe it hurts too much to talk about
But you don't say nothing at all, no
If you ever need someone to talk to
Then you know who to call
Yeah yeah yeah
Not a very good liar
Say it doesn't hurt, that you'd never cry
You can tell yourself
Go ahead, deny
You know it's not true
Not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Lirik Lagu "Not A Very Good Liar" David Archuleta lyrics
Not A Very Good Liar lirik "Not A Very Good Liar" download Not A Very Good Liar video
"Not A Very Good Liar"
You can't tell me anything that's true
You said that nothing does feel right
Don't stop your reminiscing
Somehow you're not convincing
Why even try to hide it inside
You say you won't (something)
Tell me that you're fine.
You know that doesn't work
I don't believe you
You're not a very good liar
You said it doesn't hurt, said you'd never cry
Go ahead deny
You know it's not true
You're not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Inside you're falling apart to keep it together
Something crying all night
It's for the best, you keep on saying
Something better is out there waiting
But I know lies, I see it every time
Yeah, yeah
Tell me that you're fine
I know it doesn't hurt (something)
I don't believe you
You're not a very good liar
You said it doesn't hurt, said you'd never cry
You can tell yourself, go ahead and lie
You know it's not true
You're not a very good liar
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
You're not a very good liar
Maybe it hurts too much to talk about
But you don't say nothing at all, no
If you ever need someone to talk to
Then you know who to call
Yeah yeah yeah
Not a very good liar
Say it doesn't hurt, that you'd never cry
You can tell yourself
Go ahead, deny
You know it's not true
Not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Not a very good liar
Lirik Lagu "Not A Very Good Liar" David Archuleta lyrics
Lirik Lagu Dignity - Hillary Duff lyrics
Dignity lirik "Dignity" download Dignity video
You got the hottest shoes (you got it)
You got those Jimmy Choo's (you got it)
You never get the blues, it's always all about you (we got it, we got it)
wake up late
no time to waste
better check that phone
there's a club to close
Where's your, where's your, where's your dignity?
I think you lost it in the Hollywood Hills
Where's your, where's your, where's your dignity?
can't buy respect, but you can pick up that bill
pick it up, pick it up, it's all you got, it's all you got,
pick it up, pick it up 'cause money makes your world go round,
(money makes your world go round)
Always with Mr. Right (right now)
But then you have a fight (and he's out)
Run into your friend's ex
He's happy to be your next (she won't mind, she won't mind)
Tomorrow's papers
comin' out
so kiss him fast,
watch the cameras flash
You'd show up to the opening of an envelope
Does everybody care about where you go?
It's not news when you got a new bag
It's not news when somebody slaps you
It's not news when you're lookin' your best
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, give it a rest
pick it up, pick it up, it's all you got, it's all you got,
pick it up, pick it up 'cause money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Cause money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Cause money makes your world go round
Money makes your world go round!
Lirik Lagu Dignity - Hillary Duff lyrics
Dignity lirik "Dignity" download Dignity video
You got the hottest shoes (you got it)
You got those Jimmy Choo's (you got it)
You never get the blues, it's always all about you (we got it, we got it)
wake up late
no time to waste
better check that phone
there's a club to close
Where's your, where's your, where's your dignity?
I think you lost it in the Hollywood Hills
Where's your, where's your, where's your dignity?
can't buy respect, but you can pick up that bill
pick it up, pick it up, it's all you got, it's all you got,
pick it up, pick it up 'cause money makes your world go round,
(money makes your world go round)
Always with Mr. Right (right now)
But then you have a fight (and he's out)
Run into your friend's ex
He's happy to be your next (she won't mind, she won't mind)
Tomorrow's papers
comin' out
so kiss him fast,
watch the cameras flash
You'd show up to the opening of an envelope
Does everybody care about where you go?
It's not news when you got a new bag
It's not news when somebody slaps you
It's not news when you're lookin' your best
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, give it a rest
pick it up, pick it up, it's all you got, it's all you got,
pick it up, pick it up 'cause money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Cause money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Money makes your world go round
Where's your, Where's your, Where's your
Cause money makes your world go round
Money makes your world go round!
Lirik Lagu Dignity - Hillary Duff lyrics
Lirik Lagu With Love - Hillary Duff lyrics
With Love lirik "With Love" download With Love video
"With Love"
I don't mind you telling me
What's been on your mind lately
I don't mind you speaking up
I know sometimes I can be
All wrapped up and into me
I can be in such a rush
Just slow me down
Slow me down
Tell me tomorrow everything will be around
Just slow me down
Slow me down
You're the one that keeps me on the ground
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
I can take your honesty
All your words weigh heavily
Listening to you all the time
I want to be there for you
The way you've been there for me
Always help me walk the line
And slow me down
Slow me down
I know you will always be around
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love
All this time we thought we knew each other
Now that I am leaning on your shoulder
I can tell you baby that
You're right when you're right and
You're wrong when you're wrong and
I can be weak 'cause I know you are strong
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love [x2]
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
Lirik Lagu With Love - Hillary Duff lyrics
With Love lirik "With Love" download With Love video
"With Love"
I don't mind you telling me
What's been on your mind lately
I don't mind you speaking up
I know sometimes I can be
All wrapped up and into me
I can be in such a rush
Just slow me down
Slow me down
Tell me tomorrow everything will be around
Just slow me down
Slow me down
You're the one that keeps me on the ground
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
I can take your honesty
All your words weigh heavily
Listening to you all the time
I want to be there for you
The way you've been there for me
Always help me walk the line
And slow me down
Slow me down
I know you will always be around
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love
All this time we thought we knew each other
Now that I am leaning on your shoulder
I can tell you baby that
You're right when you're right and
You're wrong when you're wrong and
I can be weak 'cause I know you are strong
Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love [x2]
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love
Lirik Lagu With Love - Hillary Duff lyrics
Lirik Lagu Stranger - Hillary Duff lyrics
Stranger lirik Send "Stranger" download Stranger video
Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind.
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide.
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about.
All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd,
But when no ones around;
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
You made yourself look perfect in every way,
So when this goes down, I'm the one that will be blamed.
Your plan is working so you can just walk away,
Baby your secret's safe.
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Such a long way back, from this place that we are at.
When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry..
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person i once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Lirik Lagu Stranger - Hillary Duff lyrics
Stranger lirik Send "Stranger" download Stranger video
Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind.
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide.
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about.
All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd,
But when no ones around;
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
You made yourself look perfect in every way,
So when this goes down, I'm the one that will be blamed.
Your plan is working so you can just walk away,
Baby your secret's safe.
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Such a long way back, from this place that we are at.
When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry..
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person i once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Lirik Lagu Stranger - Hillary Duff lyrics
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SIAPA NAK TIKET FREE CHELSEA LAWAN MALAYSIA DI BUKIT JALIL,KUALA LUMPUR? Perlawanan Malaysia Vs Chelsea akan berlangsung pada 21 Julai 2011 ini. Kepada peminat Chelsea atau Harimau Malaya, inilah masanya menyaksikan perlawanan hebat ini! Lagi pun bukan hari-hari Chelsea, Liverpool atau Arsenal datang Malaysia. Jadi jangan lepaskan peluang dapat tiket percuma lagi... Cara-cara mudah saja. Dengar Hot fm atau layari lama web hot fm..
Peraduan Menulis Surat 1 Malaysia
Pertandingan Menulis Surat 1 Malaysia ini merupakan anjuran bersama Pos Malaysia Berhad dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) dengan kerjasama KPKK dan KPM.
a) Dibuka dari 1 Mei 2011 hingga 31 JULAI 2011.
b) Penyertaan hanya dibenarkan dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja.
c) Setiap penyertaan mestilah menepati tajuk yang diberikan iaitu: “Bayangkan anda seorang pejuang kemerdekaan Malaysia. Tulis sepucuk surat yang menceritakan pengalaman dan harapan anda kepada rakyat Malaysia.”
d) Surat yang ditulis mesti mengandungi jumlah perkataan seperti berikut:
i) antara 300 hingga 500 patah perkataan untuk Kategori A.
ii) antara 500 hingga 1,000 patah perkataan untuk Kategori B.
e) Format surat adalah surat TIDAK RASMI. Mulakan surat anda seperti berikut: Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang dikasihi, PENGALAMAN SAYA SEBAGAI PEJUANG KEMERDEKAAN DAN HARAPAN SAYA KEPADA RAKYAT MALAYSIA…………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………
f) Semua peserta akan mendapat sijil penyertaan.
a) (Kategori A) Pelajar sekolah rendah Tahun 1 hingga Tahun 6
(Kategori B) Pelajar sekolah menengah Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 5
b) Warganegara Malaysia.
c) Para pelajar yang ingin menyertai juga dikehendaki membeli setem berharga RM0.80 dan sepucuk sampul surat kosong bersaiz A4 dan beralamat sendiri untuk pihak penganjur mengirimkan sijil penyertaan.
a) Hanya satu penyertaan sahaja dibenarkan bagi setiap peserta.
b) Penyertaan mestilah sampai selewat-lewatnya pada 31 Julai 2011 kepada Sekretariat Pertandingan seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah.
c) Surat yang ditulis mestilah mengikut tema yang ditetapkan.
d) Karya yang diciplak adalah tidak dibenarkan. Sekiranya didapati surat yang dihantar bukan karya asli, maka penyertaan anda dibatalkan serta-merta.
e) Surat mestilah ditulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja.
f) Surat mestilah bertulis tangan, kemas, dan mudah dibaca. Tidak dibenarkan sama sekali menggunakan mesin taip atau komputer.
g) Surat mestilah mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 300-500 patah perkataan untuk Kategori A, manakala 500-1,000 untuk Kategori B.
h) Surat dan borang penyertaan yang telah lengkap diisi dengan nama pelajar, alamat rumah pelajar, nombor telefon pelajar, nama sekolah, alamat sekolah, nama guru penyelaras dan nombor telefon guru hendaklah diposkan secara individu. Borang penyertaan boleh didapati di laman web Pos Malaysia (
i) Penyertaan mestilah disahkan/dicop oleh pihak sekolah secara individu
Seramai 3 pemenang akan dipilih bagi setiap kategori serta 10 pemenang saguhati.
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 3,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
Naib Johan:
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 2,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
Tempat ke-3:
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 1,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 200
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan
a) Dibuka dari 1 Mei 2011 hingga 31 JULAI 2011.
b) Penyertaan hanya dibenarkan dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja.
c) Setiap penyertaan mestilah menepati tajuk yang diberikan iaitu: “Bayangkan anda seorang pejuang kemerdekaan Malaysia. Tulis sepucuk surat yang menceritakan pengalaman dan harapan anda kepada rakyat Malaysia.”
d) Surat yang ditulis mesti mengandungi jumlah perkataan seperti berikut:
i) antara 300 hingga 500 patah perkataan untuk Kategori A.
ii) antara 500 hingga 1,000 patah perkataan untuk Kategori B.
e) Format surat adalah surat TIDAK RASMI. Mulakan surat anda seperti berikut: Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang dikasihi, PENGALAMAN SAYA SEBAGAI PEJUANG KEMERDEKAAN DAN HARAPAN SAYA KEPADA RAKYAT MALAYSIA…………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………
f) Semua peserta akan mendapat sijil penyertaan.
a) (Kategori A) Pelajar sekolah rendah Tahun 1 hingga Tahun 6
(Kategori B) Pelajar sekolah menengah Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 5
b) Warganegara Malaysia.
c) Para pelajar yang ingin menyertai juga dikehendaki membeli setem berharga RM0.80 dan sepucuk sampul surat kosong bersaiz A4 dan beralamat sendiri untuk pihak penganjur mengirimkan sijil penyertaan.
a) Hanya satu penyertaan sahaja dibenarkan bagi setiap peserta.
b) Penyertaan mestilah sampai selewat-lewatnya pada 31 Julai 2011 kepada Sekretariat Pertandingan seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah.
c) Surat yang ditulis mestilah mengikut tema yang ditetapkan.
d) Karya yang diciplak adalah tidak dibenarkan. Sekiranya didapati surat yang dihantar bukan karya asli, maka penyertaan anda dibatalkan serta-merta.
e) Surat mestilah ditulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja.
f) Surat mestilah bertulis tangan, kemas, dan mudah dibaca. Tidak dibenarkan sama sekali menggunakan mesin taip atau komputer.
g) Surat mestilah mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 300-500 patah perkataan untuk Kategori A, manakala 500-1,000 untuk Kategori B.
h) Surat dan borang penyertaan yang telah lengkap diisi dengan nama pelajar, alamat rumah pelajar, nombor telefon pelajar, nama sekolah, alamat sekolah, nama guru penyelaras dan nombor telefon guru hendaklah diposkan secara individu. Borang penyertaan boleh didapati di laman web Pos Malaysia (
i) Penyertaan mestilah disahkan/dicop oleh pihak sekolah secara individu
Seramai 3 pemenang akan dipilih bagi setiap kategori serta 10 pemenang saguhati.
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 3,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
Naib Johan:
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 2,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
Tempat ke-3:
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 1,000
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan.
* Wang tunai berjumlah RM 200
* buku setem
* sijil penyertaan
Lirik Lagu Falling In Love - Siti Nurhaliza lyrics
Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza Falling In Love (Siti Nurhaliza Falling in Love lyrics)
Once in a lifetime…
and your sweep took off your feet
and everything I've touched dissolve itself before my eyes
you’re taking me higher when I hear you speak to me
this is so familiar but I'm caught up in this fantasy,
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
lirik di
When I look into your eyes
I see your love that comforts me
Every now when I go to sleep
I wait to see you in my dream
you’re taking me higher when I hear you speak to me
I’m trying to tell you that I will never won’t to let you go
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
Over and over again because I’ll let my mind
You give me something in you to believe in
Come to take me away…
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
info ringkas Dato' Siti:
Dato' Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin dilahirkan pada 11 Januari 1979. Beliau merupakan seorang penyanyi dan penulis lagu pop yang terkenal dari Malaysia.
Siti Nurhaliza telah berjaya menggondol lebih dari 100 anugerah tempatan dan antarabangsa dan penyanyi terkemuka Amerika, Alicia Keys pernah menggelarnya The Voice Of Asia
Pada Ogos 2006, Siti Nurhaliza telah melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan seorang ahli perniagaan, Datuk Khalid Mohamad Jiwa
Siti Nurhaliza memulakan karier nyanyiannya setelah menjuarai Bintang HMI 1995 pada usia 16 tahun dengan single hits pertamanya, "Jerat Percintaan" yang telah dinobatkan sebagai juara keseluruhan Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-10.
Siti juga dikenali sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan yang berjaya dengan produk kosmetiknya iaitu Simplysiti. Beliau ialah seorang jutawan dan artis terkaya di Malaysia dengan dalam hartanya melebihi RM 50 juta.
label: Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza I'm Falling In Love, Lirik Lagu I'm Falling In Love Siti Nurhaliza, Siti Nurhaliza Falling In Love lirik, lagu baru CT, lirik lagu inggeris siti nurhaliza, Siti Nurhaliza lyrics Falling In Love , falling in love mp3, CT nurhaliza, simplysiti, teks lagu falling in love siti nurhaliza, senikata lagu falling in love, siti nurhaliza song words, libretto, book, texte, lines, siti nurhaliza lirik, malaysian popular artist, popular song, top song, njrhaliza, Dato'Siti Nurhaliza, occasionally Datin Seri, Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin DIMP, JSM, SAP, PMP, AAP is a Malaysian singer, songwriter, lagu inggeris terbaru dato siti, I'm falling in love lyrics, siti nurhaliza new english song
Lagu Terbaru Siti Nurhaliza :
Lagu Baru Siti Nurhaliza Duet Dengan Kris Dayanti:
All Siti Nurhaliza Best Song:
Once in a lifetime…
and your sweep took off your feet
and everything I've touched dissolve itself before my eyes
you’re taking me higher when I hear you speak to me
this is so familiar but I'm caught up in this fantasy,
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
lirik di
When I look into your eyes
I see your love that comforts me
Every now when I go to sleep
I wait to see you in my dream
you’re taking me higher when I hear you speak to me
I’m trying to tell you that I will never won’t to let you go
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
Over and over again because I’ll let my mind
You give me something in you to believe in
Come to take me away…
*Now I can’t seem to find myself
Oh, I can’t seem to give up my mind
Oh, I keep falling I’m falling and I can’t stop falling
I’m falling in love with you
info ringkas Dato' Siti:
Dato' Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin dilahirkan pada 11 Januari 1979. Beliau merupakan seorang penyanyi dan penulis lagu pop yang terkenal dari Malaysia.
Siti Nurhaliza telah berjaya menggondol lebih dari 100 anugerah tempatan dan antarabangsa dan penyanyi terkemuka Amerika, Alicia Keys pernah menggelarnya The Voice Of Asia
Pada Ogos 2006, Siti Nurhaliza telah melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan seorang ahli perniagaan, Datuk Khalid Mohamad Jiwa
Siti Nurhaliza memulakan karier nyanyiannya setelah menjuarai Bintang HMI 1995 pada usia 16 tahun dengan single hits pertamanya, "Jerat Percintaan" yang telah dinobatkan sebagai juara keseluruhan Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-10.
Siti juga dikenali sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan yang berjaya dengan produk kosmetiknya iaitu Simplysiti. Beliau ialah seorang jutawan dan artis terkaya di Malaysia dengan dalam hartanya melebihi RM 50 juta.
label: Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza I'm Falling In Love, Lirik Lagu I'm Falling In Love Siti Nurhaliza, Siti Nurhaliza Falling In Love lirik, lagu baru CT, lirik lagu inggeris siti nurhaliza, Siti Nurhaliza lyrics Falling In Love , falling in love mp3, CT nurhaliza, simplysiti, teks lagu falling in love siti nurhaliza, senikata lagu falling in love, siti nurhaliza song words, libretto, book, texte, lines, siti nurhaliza lirik, malaysian popular artist, popular song, top song, njrhaliza, Dato'Siti Nurhaliza, occasionally Datin Seri, Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin DIMP, JSM, SAP, PMP, AAP is a Malaysian singer, songwriter, lagu inggeris terbaru dato siti, I'm falling in love lyrics, siti nurhaliza new english song
Semua Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza
Lagu Baru Siti Nurhaliza Duet Dengan Kris Dayanti:
All Siti Nurhaliza Best Song:
- Lirik Lagu Dalam Diamku - CTKD (Siti Nurhaliza & Krisdayanti)
- Lirik Lagu Sebagai Teman - CTKD (Siti Nurhaliza & Krisdayanti)
- Lirik Lagu Hanya Dia - CTKD (Siti Nurhaliza & Krisdayanti)
- Lirik Tanpamu - Siti Nurhaliza & Krisdayanti (CTKD)
- Lirik Lagu Jika Kau Tak Datang - CTKD (Siti Nurhaliza & Krisdayanti)
- Lirik Lagu Amarah - CTKD ( Siti Nurhaliza & Kris Dayanti)
Lirik Lagu Pintu Taubat - Zivilia
Lirik Lagu Zivilia Pintu Taubat
tersadar ku dari khilafku
bersujud memohon ampunan
atas segala dosa-dosaku
yang telah khilafkan hatiku
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astaghfirullohu bukalah
pintu taubatmu
ntah kapan ajal menjemputku
mungkin esok hanya kau yang tahu
mungkin usiaku tak cukup lagi
untuk hapus segala dosaku
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astaghfirulloh bukalah
Pintu taubatmu
Aku hina dan tak pantas memohon ampunan
tapi hanya engkau tempat ku untuk meminta
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astafgfirulloh bukalah
Pintu taubatmu
info Zivilia band:
Zivilia band ialah sebuah band dari indonesia.Zivilia memulakan perjalanan seninya pada tahun 2008. Pada mulanya band ini dikenali sebagai Teplan Band. dan bergenre alternatif slow-rock.
Zifhilia ialah nama yang berkaitan Cinta dan Kasih Sayang.
Pada tahun 2009, Zivilia telah mula hit dengan lagu Aishiteru.
Kini nama Zifhilia menjadi Zivilia Band yang dianggotai oleh duo Zulkifli atau Zhul (vokalis) dan Idham Akbar(bassist).
Album pertama mereka ialah Aishiteru yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2009 dan mengandungi lagu-lagu seperti Setia, Menunggu (Aishiteru), Sesal, Cerita Malam, Kerana Cinta
k/w:Lirik Lagu Zivilia Pintu Taubat, Lirik Lagu Pintu Taubat Zivilia Band, Zivilia Pintu Taubat lirik, Pintu Taubat Zivilia lyrics, teks lagu zivilia pintu taubat, senikata lagu pintu taubat, zivilia band liryk, lirik lagu indonesia band, lagu terbaru zivilia, mp3 pintu taubat zivilia, youtube, video, lagu religi, religious song, indonesian ballads, ziffilia band, zivillia, pintu taubat ziffhilia band, zivilia wikipedia, lagu agama zivilia
tersadar ku dari khilafku
bersujud memohon ampunan
atas segala dosa-dosaku
yang telah khilafkan hatiku
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astaghfirullohu bukalah
pintu taubatmu
ntah kapan ajal menjemputku
mungkin esok hanya kau yang tahu
mungkin usiaku tak cukup lagi
untuk hapus segala dosaku
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astaghfirulloh bukalah
Pintu taubatmu
Aku hina dan tak pantas memohon ampunan
tapi hanya engkau tempat ku untuk meminta
kebesaranMU Ya Allah kasih sayang dan rahmatMu
dalam sadarku terlupa mengucap syukur
dalam sujud ku berdoa
dalam tangisku menyesal
Astafgfirulloh bukalah
Pintu taubatmu
info Zivilia band:
Zivilia band ialah sebuah band dari indonesia.Zivilia memulakan perjalanan seninya pada tahun 2008. Pada mulanya band ini dikenali sebagai Teplan Band. dan bergenre alternatif slow-rock.
Zifhilia ialah nama yang berkaitan Cinta dan Kasih Sayang.
Pada tahun 2009, Zivilia telah mula hit dengan lagu Aishiteru.
Kini nama Zifhilia menjadi Zivilia Band yang dianggotai oleh duo Zulkifli atau Zhul (vokalis) dan Idham Akbar(bassist).
Album pertama mereka ialah Aishiteru yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2009 dan mengandungi lagu-lagu seperti Setia, Menunggu (Aishiteru), Sesal, Cerita Malam, Kerana Cinta
k/w:Lirik Lagu Zivilia Pintu Taubat, Lirik Lagu Pintu Taubat Zivilia Band, Zivilia Pintu Taubat lirik, Pintu Taubat Zivilia lyrics, teks lagu zivilia pintu taubat, senikata lagu pintu taubat, zivilia band liryk, lirik lagu indonesia band, lagu terbaru zivilia, mp3 pintu taubat zivilia, youtube, video, lagu religi, religious song, indonesian ballads, ziffilia band, zivillia, pintu taubat ziffhilia band, zivilia wikipedia, lagu agama zivilia
Lirik Lagu I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez lyrics
I'm Into You lirik
"I'm Into You"
(feat. Lil Wayne)
[Lil Wayne]
Hi, I’m Tune, the man on the moon
I live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoes
And all of that changed since I met you
So we can leave that old shit in the restroom
Ok, I’m into you, like you never knew
I’m falling for you baby, I need a parachute
So wet, I need a wetsuit
You’re way too fly, I could be ya jet fuel
Now tell me what you like
I like what you tell me
And if you understand me, you can overwhelm me
It’s too late, it’s too late
Every finish line is the beginning of a new race
Young Money!
[Jennifer Lopez]
You got me and I could not defend it
I tried but I had to surrender
Your style got me under the spell
Left me no other choice but to get down
It’s too late, it’s too late
It’s too late, it’s too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Listen, now I’m strong baby I bring the fire on
Sharp shooter you can call me the zion
I’m not the one easy to get to
But all that changed, baby when I met you
It’s too late, it’s too late
It’s too late, it’s too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
I’m not burning and I’m feeling you boy
Get it on if you feeling my world now
I love the way that you moving
And I’m listening to how you grooving
So if you need me, just call on the cruise
We can be whatever that you want in the news
Boy, cause I’m on it and you on it and we on it
So baby just tell me now
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah baby
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Tags:Lirik Lagu I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez lyrics, I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez lirik, I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez video
I'm Into You lirik
"I'm Into You"
(feat. Lil Wayne)
[Lil Wayne]
Hi, I’m Tune, the man on the moon
I live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoes
And all of that changed since I met you
So we can leave that old shit in the restroom
Ok, I’m into you, like you never knew
I’m falling for you baby, I need a parachute
So wet, I need a wetsuit
You’re way too fly, I could be ya jet fuel
Now tell me what you like
I like what you tell me
And if you understand me, you can overwhelm me
It’s too late, it’s too late
Every finish line is the beginning of a new race
Young Money!
[Jennifer Lopez]
You got me and I could not defend it
I tried but I had to surrender
Your style got me under the spell
Left me no other choice but to get down
It’s too late, it’s too late
It’s too late, it’s too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Listen, now I’m strong baby I bring the fire on
Sharp shooter you can call me the zion
I’m not the one easy to get to
But all that changed, baby when I met you
It’s too late, it’s too late
It’s too late, it’s too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
I’m not burning and I’m feeling you boy
Get it on if you feeling my world now
I love the way that you moving
And I’m listening to how you grooving
So if you need me, just call on the cruise
We can be whatever that you want in the news
Boy, cause I’m on it and you on it and we on it
So baby just tell me now
When I look into your eyes, it’s over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I’m trippin’ and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah baby
I’m into you, I’m into you
I’m into you, yeaaah
Tags:Lirik Lagu I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez lyrics, I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez lirik, I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez video
Lirik Lagu Bad Meets Evil - Welcome To Hell lyrics
Welcome 2 Hell lirik
"Welcome 2 Hell"
Yeah, told you we'd be back.
Welcome 2 hell
[Verse 1: Eminem]
There's a switch, I flip, emotions cut off
So cold I done froze my butt off
And this ain't even the tip of the iceberg yet
It's like squirting a squirt gun in the ocean, fuck off
Other words I didn't put a dent in a can compared to the damage I've yet to do
Long as you still have feelings to hurt, I'll be around as long as you let me get to you
Long as I got two balls to palm, I'll be the bomb, you're just a false alarm
Get scared little pissants, and see if I don't come along and stop your farm
Thunder and lightning, rain, hail, sleet with a tornado's the kind of brainstorm I get
So when the wind starts blowing, shit, talking about goin' in?
Goin' insane's more like it!
Wizard of words when he he spits hazardous with it
Like a disastrous blizzard so you better listen quick fast don't miss it
Yeah go ahead little prick bastard, diss it
But when you get hit with a sick ass explicit flow
Don't ask how much of his passion is it that goes
Just know, that all he knows is this
It's better to kick ass than kiss it
Dick dastardly of audacity mental capacity
Unmatched it has to be stopped
But it can't be, but man I can't just keep doing them like that
Or no one will rap with me
'Cept one, you asked who is it?
[Verse 2: Royce da 5'9"]
Guess who just came through the blast, you bitches
With the ratchet, the book of mathew, a book of matches
Lightning, I'm? white linen
You about to have to admit it
They pass you the mic, asked you to spit it
You got handed your own ass, your ass in your own hands
Sure they gonna laugh when you go the bathroom with it
Now with what would you come against us?
Better be something with a big foot pedagree
Easily these are the reasons that we need to be in your prayers
Each region breed some emcees that wanna be, which means they wanna breath our air
With these ideas, anybody thinkin' that the game don't need
The bad and the evil regime
That's like saying that bad boy piston team didn't need isaiah
[Verse 3: Eminem and Royce da 5'9"]
Sip piss and bleed, this is a different breed of emcees, I swear
Better be aware, there's too much at stake, and to find someone this raw on a beat is rare
You can kiss my ass and the shit stains on my underwear that I don't even wear
[Royce da 5'9":]
This gotta be no fair, this like hittin' the lottery, oh yeah
Who you know hotter? there gotta be no pair
Shotty that I got a lobotomy, your hair
Classic, smack it, smother it, read it and weep and perhaps you'll have no rebuttalin'
In fact, you seein' me in this rap is like saying tila tequila can sing like jasmin sullivan
Back to badge her skull again, push a bitch out the aston until I get the fuck outta dodge
Shouldn't have to explain my metaphors?, color books that ain't colored in
Second and third, fourth wind, gotta another win
Here they come again, none other than, bad and evil
Also known as sadam and osama bin
It's been a long time, but I bet neither one of us have felt as sick as we do right now
And we only get iller with time, me and nickel fucking shit up on the grounds
Tellin' us to pipe down, it's like talking to a meth head (get it? pipe? meth head? oh hilarity!)
Bruce willis on his death bed, last breath with an infection
Fightin' it while he's watching internet porn, about to meet his death with an erection
My god, what I mean is, david carrideine jacking his penis in front of his tripod
Choking his own neck, what part you don't get?
I'm saying I die hard!
[Royce da 5'9":]
When you listen to my bars, nothin' but the f-I-r... e
Comin' out your ipod, we come up in a place
Chicks heads start spinning like motherfuckin' white walls
[Eminem & Royce da 5'9":]
Got your mother suckin' my balls while we fuck each other, punch each other in the eyeballs
And I never say I'm sor... ry, the 5'9 and the fire marshall
We spit with an intensity to shut shit down in the industry
Two different entities, with a propensity to put these n-u-t-s
In your fucking mouth
Welcome to the cd.
tags:Lirik Lagu Bad Meets Evil - Welcome To Hell lyrics
Welcome 2 Hell lirik
"Welcome 2 Hell"
Yeah, told you we'd be back.
Welcome 2 hell
[Verse 1: Eminem]
There's a switch, I flip, emotions cut off
So cold I done froze my butt off
And this ain't even the tip of the iceberg yet
It's like squirting a squirt gun in the ocean, fuck off
Other words I didn't put a dent in a can compared to the damage I've yet to do
Long as you still have feelings to hurt, I'll be around as long as you let me get to you
Long as I got two balls to palm, I'll be the bomb, you're just a false alarm
Get scared little pissants, and see if I don't come along and stop your farm
Thunder and lightning, rain, hail, sleet with a tornado's the kind of brainstorm I get
So when the wind starts blowing, shit, talking about goin' in?
Goin' insane's more like it!
Wizard of words when he he spits hazardous with it
Like a disastrous blizzard so you better listen quick fast don't miss it
Yeah go ahead little prick bastard, diss it
But when you get hit with a sick ass explicit flow
Don't ask how much of his passion is it that goes
Just know, that all he knows is this
It's better to kick ass than kiss it
Dick dastardly of audacity mental capacity
Unmatched it has to be stopped
But it can't be, but man I can't just keep doing them like that
Or no one will rap with me
'Cept one, you asked who is it?
[Verse 2: Royce da 5'9"]
Guess who just came through the blast, you bitches
With the ratchet, the book of mathew, a book of matches
Lightning, I'm? white linen
You about to have to admit it
They pass you the mic, asked you to spit it
You got handed your own ass, your ass in your own hands
Sure they gonna laugh when you go the bathroom with it
Now with what would you come against us?
Better be something with a big foot pedagree
Easily these are the reasons that we need to be in your prayers
Each region breed some emcees that wanna be, which means they wanna breath our air
With these ideas, anybody thinkin' that the game don't need
The bad and the evil regime
That's like saying that bad boy piston team didn't need isaiah
[Verse 3: Eminem and Royce da 5'9"]
Sip piss and bleed, this is a different breed of emcees, I swear
Better be aware, there's too much at stake, and to find someone this raw on a beat is rare
You can kiss my ass and the shit stains on my underwear that I don't even wear
[Royce da 5'9":]
This gotta be no fair, this like hittin' the lottery, oh yeah
Who you know hotter? there gotta be no pair
Shotty that I got a lobotomy, your hair
Classic, smack it, smother it, read it and weep and perhaps you'll have no rebuttalin'
In fact, you seein' me in this rap is like saying tila tequila can sing like jasmin sullivan
Back to badge her skull again, push a bitch out the aston until I get the fuck outta dodge
Shouldn't have to explain my metaphors?, color books that ain't colored in
Second and third, fourth wind, gotta another win
Here they come again, none other than, bad and evil
Also known as sadam and osama bin
It's been a long time, but I bet neither one of us have felt as sick as we do right now
And we only get iller with time, me and nickel fucking shit up on the grounds
Tellin' us to pipe down, it's like talking to a meth head (get it? pipe? meth head? oh hilarity!)
Bruce willis on his death bed, last breath with an infection
Fightin' it while he's watching internet porn, about to meet his death with an erection
My god, what I mean is, david carrideine jacking his penis in front of his tripod
Choking his own neck, what part you don't get?
I'm saying I die hard!
[Royce da 5'9":]
When you listen to my bars, nothin' but the f-I-r... e
Comin' out your ipod, we come up in a place
Chicks heads start spinning like motherfuckin' white walls
[Eminem & Royce da 5'9":]
Got your mother suckin' my balls while we fuck each other, punch each other in the eyeballs
And I never say I'm sor... ry, the 5'9 and the fire marshall
We spit with an intensity to shut shit down in the industry
Two different entities, with a propensity to put these n-u-t-s
In your fucking mouth
Welcome to the cd.
tags:Lirik Lagu Bad Meets Evil - Welcome To Hell lyrics
Lirik Lagu Owl City- Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit) lyrics
Alligator Sky lyrics "Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit)" download Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit) lirik
"Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit)"
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Remember to breathe, because it'll take your breath away,
When the engines cough, and you blast off.
Ignite the night with a firecracker flash.
Remember to live, 'cause you're gonna be thrilled to death,
When the stars collide and your eyes grow wide.
Take it in with your breath against the glass.
Remember to dream because it's gonna be a starry night,
Over every town, if you look down.
So harmonize with the singing satellites.
Remember to scream because you're gonna be lost for words,
When the sparks erupt and they light you up.
Dip your toes in the galaxy 'cause it's yours to explore tonight.
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Rollercoaster through the atmosphere,
I'm drowning in this starry serenade,
We're ecstasy because cavalier,
My imagination's taking me away.
Reverie whisper in my ear,
I'm scared to death that I'll never be afraid,
Rollercoaster through the atmosphere,
My imagination's taking me away.
Let's hear it for the Universe,
Where it never hurts,
Diving in head-first.
Take a taste of the melting Milky Way.
And remember to laugh 'cause you're living in a crazy world,
Where you'll never guess what could happen next.
Give the outer limits my regards as you float to fly away.
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
In The Alligator Sky,
In The Alligator Sky,
In The Alligator Sky.
tags:Lirik Lagu Owl City- Alligator Sky lyrics, Lirik Lagu Owl City- Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit) lyrics
Alligator Sky lyrics "Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit)" download Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit) lirik
"Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit)"
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Remember to breathe, because it'll take your breath away,
When the engines cough, and you blast off.
Ignite the night with a firecracker flash.
Remember to live, 'cause you're gonna be thrilled to death,
When the stars collide and your eyes grow wide.
Take it in with your breath against the glass.
Remember to dream because it's gonna be a starry night,
Over every town, if you look down.
So harmonize with the singing satellites.
Remember to scream because you're gonna be lost for words,
When the sparks erupt and they light you up.
Dip your toes in the galaxy 'cause it's yours to explore tonight.
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Rollercoaster through the atmosphere,
I'm drowning in this starry serenade,
We're ecstasy because cavalier,
My imagination's taking me away.
Reverie whisper in my ear,
I'm scared to death that I'll never be afraid,
Rollercoaster through the atmosphere,
My imagination's taking me away.
Let's hear it for the Universe,
Where it never hurts,
Diving in head-first.
Take a taste of the melting Milky Way.
And remember to laugh 'cause you're living in a crazy world,
Where you'll never guess what could happen next.
Give the outer limits my regards as you float to fly away.
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
Where was I when the rockets came to life?
And carried you away into the Alligator Sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead,
I'm never letting go, I'm never letting go!
In The Alligator Sky,
In The Alligator Sky,
In The Alligator Sky.
tags:Lirik Lagu Owl City- Alligator Sky lyrics, Lirik Lagu Owl City- Alligator Sky (No Rap Edit) lyrics
Lirik Lagu Nicki Minaj - Roman's Revenge lyrics feat Eminem
Roman's Revenge lirik
"Roman's Revenge"
(feat. Eminem)
[Nicki Minaj]
I am not Jasmine, I’m Aladdin
So far ahead, these bums is laggin’
See me in that new thing, bums is gaggin’
I’m startin’ to feel like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
I’m startin’ to feel like a dungeon dragon
Look at my show footage, how these girls be spazzin’
So fuck, I look like gettin’ back to a has-been?
Yeah, I said it, has-been
Hang it up, flatscreen
(Ha ha) Plasma
Hey, Nicki, hey Nicki, asthma
I got the pumps, it ain’t got medicine
I got bars, sentencing
I’m a bad bitch, I’m a cunt
And I’ll kick that hoe, punt
Forced trauma, blunt
You play the back, bitch, I’m in the front
You need a job, this ain’t cuttin’ it
Nicki Minaj is who you ain’t fuckin’ with
You li’l brag a lot, I beat you with a pad-a-lock
I am a movie, camera block
You outta work, I know it’s tough
But enough is enough
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
I ain’t into S&M, but my whip’s off the chain
A little drop of candy paint drips off the frame
Twisted-ass mind, got a pretzel for a brain
An eraser for a head, fuckin’ pencil for a frame
You don’t like it then peel off, bitch
Every last woman on Earth I’ll kill off, and I still wouldn’t fuck you, slut
So wipe the smile on your grill off, I swear to God I’ll piss a Happy Meal off
Get the wheels turnin’, spin, and wheel off
Snap the axel in half, bust the tie-rod
Quit hollerin’ “Why, God?” He ain’t got shit to do with it
Bygones’ll never be bygones, so won’t be finished swallowin’ my wad
I ain’t finished blowin’ it, nice bra
Hope it’ll fit a tough titty, bitch
Life’s hard, I swear to God, life is a dumb blonde white broad
With fake tits and a bad dye job
Who just spit in my fuckin’ face and called me a fuckin’ tightwad
So finally I broke down and bought her an iPod
And caught her stealin’ my music, so I tied her arms and legs to the bed
Set up the camera, pissed twice on her
Look, two pees and a tripod!
The moral to the story is, life’s treatin’ you like dry sod?
Kick it back in its face, my God
It’s Shady and Nicki Minaj, you might find the sight quite odd
But don’t ask why, bitch (Ask why not)
The wo-world is my punchin’ bag and
If I’m garbage, you’re a bunch of maggots
Make that face, go on, scrunch it up at me
Show me the target so I can lunge and attack it
Like a, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
You fell off, off, they must've bumped your wagon
You must've went off the back, I’m ’bout to go off the deep end
I told you to stay in your lane, you just choked in traffic
[Nicki Minaj]
(I-I-I-I-Is) Is this the thanks that I get for puttin’ you bitches on?
Is it my fault that all of you bitches gone?
Should've sent a thank-you note, you little ho
Now I’ma wrap your coffin with a bow
(Ni-ni-ni) “Nicki, she’s just mad ’cause you took the spot”
Word, that bitch mad ’cause I took the spot?
Well, bitch, if you ain’t shittin’, then get off the pot
Got some niggas out in Brooklyn that’ll off your top
I-I-I-I hear them mumblin’, I hear the cacklin’
I got ‘em scared, shook, panickin’
Overseas, church, Vatican
You at a stand, still, mannequin
You wanna sleep on me? Overnight?
I’m the motherfuckin’ boss, overwrite
And when I pull up, vroom, motorbike
Now all my niggas gettin’ bucked, overbite
I see them dusty-ass Filas, Levi’s
Raggedy-ass, holes in your knee-highs
I call the play, now do you see why?
These bitches callin’ me Manning, Eli
(Manning, Eli!) Ma, ma-ma-ma-ma, Manning, Eli
These bitches callin’ me (Manning, Eli)
A-a-a-a-all you li’l faggots can suck it
No homo, but I’ma stick it to ‘em like refrigerator magnets
And I’m crooked enough to make straitjackets bend
Yeah, look who’s back again, bitch, keep actin’ as if
You have the same passion that I have
Yeah, right, still hungry, my ass
You assdicks had gastric bypass
Ain’t hot enough to set fire to dry grass
And ’bout as violent as hair on eyelids (Eyelash!)
Go take a flyin’ leap of faith off a fuckin’ balcony
‘Fore I shove a falcon wing up your fly ass
You know what time it is, so why ask?
When Shady and Nicki’s worlds class
It’s (high class) meets (white trash)
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Roman! Roman!
Stop it, stop it!
You’ve gone mad, mad, I tell you, mad!
You and this boy Slim Shady!
What’s goin’ on?
They’ll lock you away!
They’ll put you in a jail cell!
I promise!
Take your mother’s warning, Roman
Back to bed! Run along!
Let’s go! Come on!
Wash your mouth out with soap, boys
(Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys…)
tags: Lirik Lagu Nicki Minaj - Roman's Revenge lyrics feat Eminem
Roman's Revenge lirik
"Roman's Revenge"
(feat. Eminem)
[Nicki Minaj]
I am not Jasmine, I’m Aladdin
So far ahead, these bums is laggin’
See me in that new thing, bums is gaggin’
I’m startin’ to feel like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
I’m startin’ to feel like a dungeon dragon
Look at my show footage, how these girls be spazzin’
So fuck, I look like gettin’ back to a has-been?
Yeah, I said it, has-been
Hang it up, flatscreen
(Ha ha) Plasma
Hey, Nicki, hey Nicki, asthma
I got the pumps, it ain’t got medicine
I got bars, sentencing
I’m a bad bitch, I’m a cunt
And I’ll kick that hoe, punt
Forced trauma, blunt
You play the back, bitch, I’m in the front
You need a job, this ain’t cuttin’ it
Nicki Minaj is who you ain’t fuckin’ with
You li’l brag a lot, I beat you with a pad-a-lock
I am a movie, camera block
You outta work, I know it’s tough
But enough is enough
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
I ain’t into S&M, but my whip’s off the chain
A little drop of candy paint drips off the frame
Twisted-ass mind, got a pretzel for a brain
An eraser for a head, fuckin’ pencil for a frame
You don’t like it then peel off, bitch
Every last woman on Earth I’ll kill off, and I still wouldn’t fuck you, slut
So wipe the smile on your grill off, I swear to God I’ll piss a Happy Meal off
Get the wheels turnin’, spin, and wheel off
Snap the axel in half, bust the tie-rod
Quit hollerin’ “Why, God?” He ain’t got shit to do with it
Bygones’ll never be bygones, so won’t be finished swallowin’ my wad
I ain’t finished blowin’ it, nice bra
Hope it’ll fit a tough titty, bitch
Life’s hard, I swear to God, life is a dumb blonde white broad
With fake tits and a bad dye job
Who just spit in my fuckin’ face and called me a fuckin’ tightwad
So finally I broke down and bought her an iPod
And caught her stealin’ my music, so I tied her arms and legs to the bed
Set up the camera, pissed twice on her
Look, two pees and a tripod!
The moral to the story is, life’s treatin’ you like dry sod?
Kick it back in its face, my God
It’s Shady and Nicki Minaj, you might find the sight quite odd
But don’t ask why, bitch (Ask why not)
The wo-world is my punchin’ bag and
If I’m garbage, you’re a bunch of maggots
Make that face, go on, scrunch it up at me
Show me the target so I can lunge and attack it
Like a, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
You fell off, off, they must've bumped your wagon
You must've went off the back, I’m ’bout to go off the deep end
I told you to stay in your lane, you just choked in traffic
[Nicki Minaj]
(I-I-I-I-Is) Is this the thanks that I get for puttin’ you bitches on?
Is it my fault that all of you bitches gone?
Should've sent a thank-you note, you little ho
Now I’ma wrap your coffin with a bow
(Ni-ni-ni) “Nicki, she’s just mad ’cause you took the spot”
Word, that bitch mad ’cause I took the spot?
Well, bitch, if you ain’t shittin’, then get off the pot
Got some niggas out in Brooklyn that’ll off your top
I-I-I-I hear them mumblin’, I hear the cacklin’
I got ‘em scared, shook, panickin’
Overseas, church, Vatican
You at a stand, still, mannequin
You wanna sleep on me? Overnight?
I’m the motherfuckin’ boss, overwrite
And when I pull up, vroom, motorbike
Now all my niggas gettin’ bucked, overbite
I see them dusty-ass Filas, Levi’s
Raggedy-ass, holes in your knee-highs
I call the play, now do you see why?
These bitches callin’ me Manning, Eli
(Manning, Eli!) Ma, ma-ma-ma-ma, Manning, Eli
These bitches callin’ me (Manning, Eli)
A-a-a-a-all you li’l faggots can suck it
No homo, but I’ma stick it to ‘em like refrigerator magnets
And I’m crooked enough to make straitjackets bend
Yeah, look who’s back again, bitch, keep actin’ as if
You have the same passion that I have
Yeah, right, still hungry, my ass
You assdicks had gastric bypass
Ain’t hot enough to set fire to dry grass
And ’bout as violent as hair on eyelids (Eyelash!)
Go take a flyin’ leap of faith off a fuckin’ balcony
‘Fore I shove a falcon wing up your fly ass
You know what time it is, so why ask?
When Shady and Nicki’s worlds class
It’s (high class) meets (white trash)
Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Raah, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
Like a dungeon dragon, like a dungeon dragon
Roman! Roman!
Stop it, stop it!
You’ve gone mad, mad, I tell you, mad!
You and this boy Slim Shady!
What’s goin’ on?
They’ll lock you away!
They’ll put you in a jail cell!
I promise!
Take your mother’s warning, Roman
Back to bed! Run along!
Let’s go! Come on!
Wash your mouth out with soap, boys
(Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys…)
tags: Lirik Lagu Nicki Minaj - Roman's Revenge lyrics feat Eminem
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